Visual Designer
WSI White Label
Next Generation
Max Mobile helps news stations capture this growing mobile audience, enabling their talent to use their expertise to tell weather and traffic stories as only they can, with local knowledge and perspective that national apps can’t match.
Users will enjoy the easiest-to-use, most comprehensive local weather app in the industry, while your station will finally reach the elusive mobile audience with a revenue generating, brand building solution.
My role on this project is predominently visual design. However, there were multiple product and visual design challenges.
Participated in a "Design Studio" where a group of WSI people brainstormed on their own for 15 minutes to come up with ideas for the direction of the next genration of the white label Max Mobile App. Each person sketched on large paper and presented their ideas to the group. We wrote notes on each paper to capture any details. Later, the core design team narrowed the options to three different visual themes with different navigational models.
I developed new ways our clients could customize colors and images to apply their own brand which drove the overarching theme of "local weather". We developed a client facing WYSIWYG "Configuration Tool" where they could make changes to colors and images where design allowed. I provided detailed instructions for which areas those were.
We were a small team with deveopers in the Ukraine and only 3 in-house. We had one Q.A. person, 1 visual designer, 1/2 of an Interaction designer. We built all 3 themes for the IOS (iPhone & iPad) and Android platforms simultaneously and developers generated "universal code". This forced design to make almost everything the same except for the home screen and the navigation model with a few exceptions which was not optimal from a design standpoint.
Worked within a flavor of Agiile develoment and used JIRA to plan and track tasks, bugs, and schedules. We worked in one week sprints, met for 15 minute stand up meetings and weekly planning meetings. This was difficult for design because often times the interaction and visual design tasks were scheduled in the same sprint to which developers were to implement.